Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Past or Present, that is the question.

Our past, is it a detriment or an asset to who you are today?

It is a choice. You can choose to view your past as holding you back and if you do, it will do just that.


You can choose to view it as the building blocks of who you have become.

I choose to live in the Now and accept all that occurred to me in the past as a catalyst for who I am today. Forgiveness plays an important role in the ability to do this for me, and I am sure many others. What helped me is that I know, now, that my parents did the best they could with the information they had. I honor them for that and forgive them any hurt that I suffered because of their beliefs and actions.

What ever you decide, do what makes you happy. If you always lean toward what makes you happy you will create happiness and balance in your life.

This may sound simplistic, but we, as human beings, tend to think that everything is or has to be complicated for it to be valuable.

I disagree. Come back to the realization of who we really are, a spark of the Divine, a co-creator or our world and live in the present moment. You will not find your past there, only NOW. NOW is the only moment you are guaranteed in this life. Thinking about the past will keep you locked in the pattern of it and you will not move forward.

Breaking patterns is what gives us the momentum to create our life as we would have it. When you notice that you are doing the same old thing, again, stop, take a deep breath and change your focus. By doing this each time you recognize a pattern, you will break the cycle and create a new pattern that serves you instead of hinders you.

Remember, we are spiritual being having a physical experience, not physical beings having a spiritual experience. I believe that Neale Donald Walsch said that. I agree.